Reds: Hall of Fame and Museum

I couldn’t get the full experience of visiting Great American Ball Park without stopping at the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum.

How else would I know what the inside of a baseball feels like or what players wore to stay warm in 1904? (I’m not being sarcastic. I found all of it fascinating.) As professional baseball’s first franchise, the Reds are not short on history.

Big Red Machine
Big Red Machine celebration in the Great Teams Room

The Reds haven’t had a winning record since 2013 and are on pace for one of the worst seasons in MLB history, but they’ve been around in some form since 1869 and have their share of World Series championships with five (1919, 1940, 1975, 1976 and 1990).

(In fact, they won a World Series in my lifetime before my beloved Cardinals did, not that my 2-year-old self bothered to notice back in 1990. I’m sure I was more concerned with how Arial was going to escape Ursula or what Michelle Tanner was going to do next.)

The Hall of Fame and Museum sits right in front of Great American Ball Park, so my brother and I decided to explore the museum before entering the stadium. Adult admission is $10, and my experience there was worth at least that much.

My first stop at the museum was getting a pic with this guy.

Meet Mr. Redlegs
Me with statue of Mr. Redlegs

I’m glad I did because although the Reds apparently have FOUR mascots (Mr. Red, Mr. Redlegs, Gapper and Rosie Red), I got a picture with zero of them. This statue of Mr. Redlegs is the closest I came. (Why four mascots? And how in the world did I miss all of them???)

After saying hi to the Mr. Redlegs statue, we walked into the lobby area, purchased our tickets and got our first view of the actual museum.

Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Lobby
View of museum from lobby

A big chunk of the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum is dedicated to uniforms, which I loved because throwback uniforms are some of the most iconic visual representations of what baseball looked and felt like throughout the years.

The first room takes guests back all the way to 1869 with a Red Stockings replica jersey and also features a collection of jerseys from other decades and other teams from around the league.

1869 Replica Uniform
1869 Red Stockings replica uniform

From there, fans can step into the Palace of the Fans Theater. (Unfortunately, we did not because the next video wasn’t showing for a while, and we were slightly crunched for time. I regret missing out.)

Palace of the Fans Theater
Palace of the Fans Theater

After bypassing the theater, we made our way to one of the most intriguing areas of the museum, a stairwell with a wall covered in baseballs, each representing one of Pete Rose’s MLB record 4,256 career hits.

From what I have read online since going, this section also features a rose garden outside the window, showing where Rose’s record-breaking 4,192nd hit landed, but I don’t remember seeing it. (Maybe it was too early in the year for roses??? Or maybe I’m just not very observant … probably the latter.)

I was interested to see how the Reds treat their disgraced legend, but it looks like he holds a special place in their Hall of Fame, which I guess is deserved considering his accomplishments on the field.

Pete Rose's Career Hits in Baseballs
Baseballs representing each of Pete Rose’s 4,256 career hits
Pete Rose's Career Hits in Baseballs
Baseballs representing each of Pete Rose’s 4,256 career hits

The upper floor offers a look at Cincinnati’s past ballparks, including this cool light from Crosley Field (home of the Reds from 1912 to 1970).

Crosley Field Light
Crosley Field light

After checking out the old ballparks, I got the chance to step inside the dugout with Reds Hall of Fame managers Sparky Anderson (1970-78) and Bill McKechnie (1938-46) in statue form.

Dugout Exhibit
Dugout Exhibit at Reds Hall of Fame and Museum

And from that experience, I realized I would make one heck of a manager.

Dugout ExhibitMe in the Hall of Fame dugout

Fans can also see how fast they throw, find out what the materials inside baseballs throughout history feel like (pretty stringy) and see how Reds players have stayed warm throughout the years. (I especially enjoyed this part because as someone who is always cold, I’m a big fan of bundling up.)

Warming Up
Timeline of staying warm

Speaking of bundling up, the second floor also features a Kids Clubhouse where kids can literally slide into home (down an actual slide) and try on kid-sized baseball jerseys. I took advantage of my height (or lack thereof) and threw on the Jason LaRue jersey in honor of his time as a Cardinal, which I discussed in my Reds preview. It fit.

Larue Kids Jerseys
Jason LaRue kids-sized jersey in Kids Clubhouse

This next room doesn’t necessarily have as much historical  significance as some of the other exhibits, but what it lacks in history, it more than makes up in charm.

Ultimate Reds Room
Ultimate Reds Room

The museum also dedicates an area to broadcasting, and this is where I made my most interesting discovery of the visit. (It may be worth mentioning that I once worked in media relations in college athletics, which probably has something to do with how fascinating I found this.)

Apparently, prior to the late 1940s, most away team radio broadcasters were not actually at the games they were announcing. Instead, they relied on someone to send shorthand messages in Morse code via telegraph, while someone at the radio station typed the description of the play-by-play to be read on air. (Simply fascinating.)

Old-School Broadcasting
Telegraph broadcasting for road games

There’s also a radio booth where fans can record their own calls of special moments in Reds history. (Unlike the Cardinals Hall of Fame and Museum, you can’t listen to the original calls first … so it was pretty much a fail on our end.)

The final room before the Hall of Fame is the Great Teams Room. There, you can celebrate with the “Great Eight” members of the Big Red Machine. (I didn’t … because I felt weird doing it in my Cardinals sweatshirt. I wasn’t there to start any fights.)

The Big Red Machine (the 1970s Reds) basically owned the ’70s with two World Series titles, four National League pennants and six division titles during the decade. The “Great Eight” were the starting position players from the World Series championship team (Pete Rose, Johnny Bench, Joe Morgan, Ken Griffey Sr., Tony Perez, Dave Concepcion, George Foster and Cesar Geronimo).

Big Red Machine
Big Red Machine celebration in the Great Teams Room
1975 World Series Trophy
1975 World Series trophy
World Series Swag
World Series swag from the ’70s

After taking in all the history and learning just how much the Reds dominated in the 1970s, we finally stepped into the Reds Hall of Fame, home to Reds greats, like Bench, Griffey (Jr. and Sr.), Morgan and Rose.

Reds Hall of Fame
Reds Hall of Fame
Reds Hall of Fame List
Partial Reds Hall of Fame list

One of my absolute favorite parts of the experience was watching Reds fans soak in the history of their team. Now I know how I must look when I’m at the Cardinals or Illini Hall of Fame.

I’m not trying to be dramatic, but seeing the looks on Reds fans’ faces, old and young, maybe visiting for the first time, was kind of inspiring. I actually got a little teary-eyed at one point. (Disclaimer: I’m a crier. I cry for pretty much every emotion … joy, sadness, anger, shock, nervousness, you get the idea.)

But try telling me this doesn’t make you feel something.

Great Teams Room
Great Teams Room

I love history, and I love baseball. If you love either of those, make sure to put the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum on your to-do list next time you’re in Cincinnati.

There’s still more to come from Cincinnati, but first, take a look at the Hall of Fame and Museum photo gallery below. And if you missed Part 1, check it out now for a recap of my rainy day at Great American Ball Park.

Reds Hall of Fame and Museum Photo Gallery

Opening Day Vibes

In honor of baseball making its grand return, I’m looking back at one of my favorite ballpark experiences, Opening Day at Busch Stadium in 2006.

Clydesdales 2006
Clydesdales on Opening Day 2006

Opening Day is like a holiday. By the time baseball finally comes out of hibernation, we’re hungry. We’ve watched an embarrassing number of TV shows throughout the winter and have the college basketball blues (or at least that’s true for me).

Then, baseball comes along and saves us from our TV-bingeing selves.

If your team opens on the road, you basically have two full days of celebration, Opening Day of Major League Baseball and Opening Day at home.

I’ve only been to one home opener in person, but that particular one was extra special, the inaugural game of Busch Stadium III on April 10, 2006.

I was a junior in high school and used an absence to go to the game. I had gone to my first prom two days earlier, so I was pretty tired, probably from walking around in a 10-pound dress, too much hairspray and a headful of bobby pins (and dancing to too much Lil Jon), but Opening Day woke me right up.

Opening Day 2006
Me on Opening Day 2006

I’m a nostalgic person and can find sentimental value in almost anything, so at first, I wasn’t sure how I would react to my favorite stadium in the world being destroyed and replaced.

(Spoiler alert: The 2006 season ended  with the Cardinals’ first World Series title in my lifetime, so I moved on pretty quickly.)

Despite my initial hesitance, I fell in love with the look and feel of new Busch Stadium almost immediately. I had been to AT&T Park (then-Pac Bell) in San Francisco a few years prior, so I was familiar with and already liked the retro look.

The new ballpark food was (and still is) amazing. I was fortunate to be at the stadium long enough to eat two meals, chicken tenders for lunch AND a hot dog for dinner. My dad tried the barbecue sandwich and ice cream and enjoyed both as well.

Me eating chicken tenders on Opening Day 2006

Although I loved (and still love) the beautiful view of the Gateway Arch in the outfield, I disliked (and still dislike) that new Busch isn’t nearly as loud as old Busch because of all that openness.

All in all, the good outweighed the bad, and I decided Busch Stadium III was a worthy replacement for the former stadium. I mean, it is Baseball Heaven and all.

My dad had only gone to one home opener prior to 2006. He and my brother went in 2004, when then-President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch. (They still reference seeing Secret Service snipers on top of the stadium.)

I’m told by pretty much all St. Louis media that Opening Day at Busch is like no other. I don’t know for sure because I haven’t witnessed Opening Day in any other baseball city, but I can confirm that Opening Day in St. Louis lives up to the hype.

Downtown St. Louis basically shuts down for a daylong party. Adults take off work, and kids skip school to head over to the game and welcome back their beloved Redbirds.

The pregame ceremony features a lap by the famous Budweiser Clydesdales, followed by the parade of Cardinals Hall of Famers riding around the warning track in the backs of Mustang convertibles. Then, the current players come out in their own motorcade.

Motorcade on Opening Day 2006

The current players shake the hands of Cardinals legends, like Bob Gibson, Lou Brock and Ozzie Smith, at home plate. (I’ve definitely teared up watching it a time or two.)

It’s magical. The Cardinals pack so much tradition and history into one day and somehow still manage to offer something new.

Opening Day of a new stadium made the whole experience even more unique (and historical). My dad and I were two of the first 41,936 (according to Baseball Reference) fans to explore the ballpark, and I’m grateful I had that opportunity.

Oh, and I almost forgot … what happened in the game?

Well, despite falling behind early, the Cardinals came away with a 6-4 win over the Brewers. Mark Mulder served up the first home run in the new ballpark, but he later (shockingly) hit one of his own. A guy named Albert Pujols did, too.

In the end, I had a great and memorable day skipping school for Opening Day and ballparking it in a brand-new stadium with my dad.

Opening Day 2006 Sights and Swag

I’m Doing This

I turn 30 later this year, and to celebrate, I’ve decided that, along with eating a LOT of birthday cake (obviously), I’m going to start making progress toward my goal of visiting all 30 major league ballparks.

Me and my dad at Ballpark Village in 2017

I’m a baseball fan, more specifically, a St. Louis Cardinals fan. I’ve been one for as long as I can remember. I’ve also enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember, and in fact, I’m a copywriter by day and (very slowly) working on a novel in my free time.

I’ve always wanted to start a blog, and I’ve always wanted to see all 30 ballparks. Around the time I turned 29, I realized 30 parks for turning 30 is the perfect excuse to do both.

I’m not exactly sure how my journey will play out, but I plan to visit 4-6 new MLB stadiums, plus some other venues, each year and share my adventures, tips, successes and failures here. Aside from that, I’m going to work out the details as I go. (If you know me, you know that’s not typically how I operate, so this is a big step.)

I’ve already been to Busch Stadium (II and III), Dodger Stadium, AT&T Park, Wrigley Field and Guaranteed Rate Field (ha, sorry, it’s a great ballpark, but I can’t type the name without laughing).

I’m visiting all five of those ballparks again. St. Louis and Chicago are close to where I live, and I’ll be traveling to Anaheim and Oakland anyway, so why not head over to L.A. and San Francisco while I’m out west?

It’s been a long offseason, and I can’t wait to get started. Follow along as I knock off all 30 ballparks, eat plenty of hot dogs, explore the surrounding cities and chat about all sorts of other stuff along the way. And don’t worry if you’re not a Cardinals fan. This isn’t a blog about the Cardinals. (I’m just stating my biases and loyalties upfront.)

Plus, I’m also a huge college basketball fan and an Olympics nerd, so I’ll probably be talking about other types of “ballparks” if baseball isn’t your thing. I’m passionate about good television as well, and nothing is off limits as long as it’s in the ballpark. (Get it? I’m trying to be punny.)

I’m more than a little proud of myself for typing this here and publishing it. Anyone who knows me knows I’m one of the most indecisive humans on this planet … but here we go. I’m doing this.